Doctoral Program

The College of Chemical and Biological Engineering offers a Doctor of  Philosophy(PhD)  in Chemical Engineering and Technology program.


The Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering and Technology program at Zhejiang University is designed to cultivate future engineering leaders for careers in industry, government, and academia. With the broad range of courses offered through the College of Chemical and Biological Engineering, students can tailor their coursework plan to meet their research interests and career goals. This degree program is research-intensive, with student activities centered around the student’s mentored research project. Participants leave as experts in their chosen field and often assume supervisory roles in the design, organization, and supervision of major engineering projects.

Basic requirements

Applicants must hold at least a master’s degree from an accredited university in chemical engineering or a closely related engineering or natural science field (e.g., chemistry, biology, physics, materials science). Students must complete 12-semester credits from courses offered through the College of Chemical and Biological Engineering and successfully defend a research dissertation based on original research. The ultimate decision on whether to grant a Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering and Technology is based on the candidate’s demonstrated knowledge of the subject matter in their field of expertise and ability to conduct independent research. The time required for students to complete their degree is typically between 3.5 and 6.5 years and depends on various factors.