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The effect of molecular solvents on the viscosity, conductivity and ionicity of mixtures containing chloride anion-based ionic liquid
浏览次数:0 日期:2013-08-23
作者姓名:  Qiwei yang,Kun Yu,Huabin Xing,Baogen Su , Zongbi Bao , Yiwen Yang , Qilong Ren
论文题目:  The effect of molecular solvents on the viscosity, conductivity and ionicity of mixtures containing chloride anion-based ionic liquid
刊物名称:  Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
卷(期):页码:  in press
发表时间:  2013
论文等级:  SCI
期刊影响因子:  2.145
The effect of molecular solvents on the viscosity, conductivity and ionicity of mixtures containing chloride anion-based ionic liquid
版权所有:生物质化工教育部重点实验室(浙江大学) 浙ICP备1200888号 技术支持:创高软件
地址:浙江省杭州市西湖区余杭塘路866号浙江大学紫金港校区材化高组团和同苑2幢805室 邮编:310058
电话:0571-87951423 E-amil:biomassce@zju.edu.cn