姓名:  姚之侃
单位:  化学工程与生物工程学院
职称:  副研究员
E-Mail:  yaozhikan@zju.edu.cn
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姚之侃 副研究员

姚之侃,博士,特聘副研究员。20096月毕业于浙江大学高分子化学与工程学系获工学学士学位;20153月于浙江大学高分子化学与工程学系获理学博士学位;20157月至20191月于香港大学土木工程系从事科研助理及博士后研究;20193月入职浙江大学化学工程与生物工程学院生物工程研究所。主要的研究方向包括了功能化分离膜材料的设计合成与制备、功能化分离膜的设计与制备、高性能纳滤/反渗透/正渗透膜的设计与制备以及新型膜分离技术在环境处理和新能源等方向的应用。目前,已在J. Membr. Sci.Environ. Sci.Technol.Environ. Sci.Technol. Lett.Desalination 等期刊发表论文30余篇,申请或授权国家发明专利10余项。


1. Z. Yao, Z. Yang, H. Guo, X. Ma, Y. Dong, C.Y. Tang, Highlypermeable and highly selective ultrathin film composite polyamide membranesreinforced by reactable polymer chains, Journal of Colloid and InterfaceScience, 552 (2019) 418-425.

2. Z. Yang, H. Guo, Z.K. Yao, Y. Mei, C.Y. Tang, HydrophilicSilver Nanoparticles Induce Selective Nanochannels in Thin Film NanocompositePolyamide Membranes, Environmental Science & Technology, 53 (2019)5301-5308.

3. X. Ma, Z. Yang, Z. Yao, H. Guo, Z. Xu, C.Y. Tang, Tuningroughness features of thin film composite polyamide membranes forsimultaneously enhanced permeability, selectivity and anti-fouling performance,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 540 (2019) 382-388.

4. H. Guo, L.E. Peng, Z. Yao, Z. Yang, X. Ma, C.Y. Tang,Non-Polyamide Based Nanofiltration Membranes Using Green Metal-OrganicCoordination Complexes: Implications for the Removal of Trace OrganicContaminants, Environmental Science & Technology, 53 (2019) 2688-2694.

5. J. Wang, H. Guo, X. Shi, Z. Yao, W. Qing, F. Liu, C.Y. Tang,Fast polydopamine coating on reverse osmosis membrane: Process investigationand membrane performance study, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 535(2019) 239-244.

6. W. Qing, J. Wang, X. Ma, Z. Yao, Y. Feng, X. Shi, F. Liu, P.Wang, C.Y. Tang, One-step tailoring surface roughness and surface chemistry toprepare superhydrophobic polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membranes for enhancedmembrane distillation performances, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,553 (2019) 99-107.

7. X.-H. Ma, H. Guo, Z. Yang, Z.-K. Yao, W.-H. Qing, Y.-L.Chen, Z.-L. Xu, C.Y. Tang, Carbon nanotubes enhance permeability of ultrathinpolyamide rejection layers, Journal of Membrane Science, 570-571 (2019)139-145.

8. C.-E. Lin, L.-F. Fang, S.-Y. Du, Z.-K. Yao, B.-K. Zhu, Anovel positively charged nanofiltration membrane formed via simultaneouscross-linking/quaternization of poly(m-phenyleneisophthalamide)/polyethyleneimine blend membrane, Separation and PurificationTechnology, 212 (2019) 101-109.

9. B. He, Y. Ding, J. Wang, Z. Yao, W. Qing, Y. Zhang, F. Liu,C.Y. Tang, Sustaining fouling resistant membranes: Membrane fabrication,characterization and mechanism understanding of demulsification andfouling-resistance, Journal of Membrane Science, 581 (2019) 105-113.

10. Z. Yang, X. Huang, X.-h. Ma, Z.-w. Zhou, H. Guo, Z. Yao,S.-P. Feng, C.Y. Tang, Fabrication of a novel and green thin-film compositemembrane containing nanovoids for water purification, Journal of MembraneScience, 570-571 (2019) 314-321.

11. Z. Yao, H. Guo, Z. Yang, W. Qing, C.Y. Tang, Preparation ofnanocavity-contained thin film composite nanofiltration membranes with enhancedpermeability and divalent to monovalent ion selectivity, Desalination, 445(2018) 115-122.

12. Z. Yao, H. Guo, Z. Yang, C. Lin, B. Zhu, Y. Dong, C.Y.Tang, Reactable substrate participating interfacial polymerization for thinfilm composite membranes with enhanced salt rejection performance,Desalination, 436 (2018) 1-7.

13. Y. Mei, Z. Yao, L. Ji, P.H. Toy, C.Y. Tang, Effects ofhypochlorite exposure on the structure and electrochemical performance of ionexchange membranes in reverse electrodialysis, Journal of Membrane Science, 549(2018) 295-305.

14. X.-H. Ma, Z.-K. Yao, Z. Yang, H. Guo, Z.-L. Xu, C.Y. Tang,M. Elimelech, Nanofoaming of polyamide desalination membranes to tunepermeability and selectivity, Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 5(2018) 123-130.

15. H. Guo, Z. Yao, J. Wang, Z. Yang, X. Ma, C.Y. Tang,Polydopamine coating on a thin film composite forward osmosis membrane forenhanced mass transport and antifouling performance, Journal of MembraneScience, 551 (2018) 234-242.

16. X.-H. Ma, Z. Yang, Z.-K. Yao, H. Guo, Z.-L. Xu, C.Y. Tang,Interfacial polymerization with electrosprayed microdroplets: Towardcontrollable and ultrathin polyamide membranes, Environmental Science &Technology Letters, 5 (2018) 117-122.

17. Z. Yang, Z.W. Zhou, H. Guo, Z. Yao, X.H. Ma, X. Song, S.P.Feng, C.Y. Tang, Tannic Acid/Fe3+ Nanoscaffold for Interfacial Polymerization:Toward Enhanced Nanofiltration Performance, Environmental Science &Technology, 52 (2018) 9341-9349.

18. Z.-L. Qiu, X. Kong, J.-J. Yuan, Y.-J. Shen, B.-k. Zhu, L.-P. Zhu, Z.-K.Yao, C.Y. Tang, Cross-linked PVC/hyperbranched polyester composite hollowfiber membranes for dye removal, Reactive and Functional Polymers, 122 (2018)51-59.

19. H. Guo, Z. Yao, Z. Yang, X. Ma, J. Wang, C.Y. Tang, AOne-Step Rapid Assembly of Thin Film Coating Using Green Coordination Complexesfor Enhanced Removal of Trace Organic Contaminants by Membranes, EnvironmentalScience & Technology, 51 (2017) 12638-12643.

20. X.-H. Ma, Z. Yang, Z.-K. Yao, Z.-L. Xu, C.Y. Tang, A facilepreparation of novel positively charged MOF/chitosan nanofiltration membranes,Journal of Membrane Science, 525 (2017) 269-276.

21. H. Guo, Y. Deng, Z. Yao, Z. Yang, J. Wang, C. Lin, T.Zhang, B. Zhu, C.Y. Tang, A highly selective surface coating for enhancedmembrane rejection of endocrine disrupting compounds: Mechanistic insights andimplications, Water Research, 121 (2017) 197-203.

22. H. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Z. Yao, A.E. John, Y. Li, W. Li, B.Zhu, Novel configuration of polyimide matrix-enhanced cross-linked gelseparator for high performance lithium ion batteries, Electrochimica Acta, 204(2016) 176-182.

23. H. Guo, Y. Deng, Z. Tao, Z. Yao, J. Wang, C. Lin, T. Zhang,B. Zhu, C.Y. Tang, Does hydrophilic polydopamine coating enhance membranerejection of hydrophobic endocrine-disrupting compounds?, Environmental Science& Technology Letters, 3 (2016) 332-338.

24. Z. Yao, Y. Li, Y. Cui, K. Zheng, B. Zhu, H. Xu, L. Zhu,Tertiary amine block copolymer containing ultrafiltration membrane withpH-dependent macromolecule sieving and Cr(VI) removal properties, Desalination,355 (2015) 91-98.

25. Z. Yao, S. Du, Y. Zhang, B. Zhu, L. Zhu, A.E. John,Positively charged membrane for removing low concentration Cr(VI) inultrafiltration process, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 8 (2015) 99-107.

26. Z. Yao, Y. Cui, K. Zheng, B. Zhu, L. Zhu, Composition andproperties of porous blend membranes containing tertiary amine basedamphiphilic copolymers with different sequence structures, Journal of Colloidand Interface Science, 437 (2015) 124-131.

27. Y. Cui, Z.-K. Yao, K. Zheng, S.-Y. Du, B.-K. Zhu, L.-P.Zhu, C.-H. Du, Positively-charged nanofiltration membrane formed byquaternization and cross-linking of blend PVC/P(DMA-co-MMA) precursors, Journalof Membrane Science, 492 (2015) 187-196.

28. H. Li, X.-T. Ma, J.-L. Shi, Z.-K. Yao, B.-K. Zhu, L.-P.Zhu, Preparation and properties of poly(ethylene oxide) gel filledpolypropylene separators and their corresponding gel polymer electrolytes forLi-ion batteries, Electrochimica Acta, 56 (2011) 2641-2647.

29. M. Zhang, C.-f. Zhang, Z.-k. Yao, J.-l. Shi, B.-k. Zhu, Y.-y.Xu, Preparation of high density polyethylene/polyethylene-block-poly(ethyleneglycol) copolymer blend porous membranes via thermally induced phase separationprocess and their properties, Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 28 (2010)337-346.


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